This land is being offered with an opportunity to build a new house They also did not suffer from any flooding whatsoever despite it being catastrophic in other parts of Queensland at the time. It has access to town water and electricity and also street guttering. It is a flat piece of land and surrounded by established homes and easily accessible for building.
My experience in new homes has led me to choose Hotondo builders as I have sold their houses before and I know their quality. A very sound company in more ways than one.
You have options depending on what your requirements are: eg. a single dwelling, 2 or 3 bedroom house or a duplex of two, for the investors.
It has been my experience that prospective new home owners will judge a new house on the colours presented and walk out of a very good quality display home because they don't like the colours.. It is the quality of the home that really matters and this is often overlooked. You can always change the colours but if a house is built with problems this can be a very costly experience and I have seen this done.
Hotondo Birchgrove 164 Living room.
Hotondo Alpine 164
A point I would like to make which another good builder pointed out to me was that you can see straightaway that no shortcuts are taken and this is reflected in the garage as a beginning.
The roller door is held there on a concrete support beam and therefore will last for many, many years. However, should a wooden cross bars be used to hold the roller doors up and they are heavy that over time the wood will weaken with this weight and eventually break. Hotondo wall struts are legally space so you will never get that wall plaster sway that happens if they are too wide.
Things can be changed around within consideration and you need to ensure you know what you want from a new house and Hotondo will give you advice what will work and what will not. Me personally, I actually swoon when I walk into a new home display and I see a walk in pantry and a large walk in wardrobe and I mean large. Storage, storage and more storage for me as I hate not having a place to put something. To contact Kingaroy Hotondo call (07) 4162 5385 to discuss your requirements and prices.
Kingaroy is certainly a town full of surprises. With a population just over 12,500 and every store you require e.g. Aldi, Bunnings, Coles, Woolworths just to name a few. There is also their Shoppingtown which offers more diverse shops as seen below.
The land for sale at 27 Hodge Street is within walking distance to these shops and to most of the 2 hospitals, RSL club, 1 pub, 12 dining restaurants, 7 bed and breakfast places, 3 caravan/cabin parks and 7 holiday cottages and I nearly forgot the 4 schools and 1 college which you pass on your way to city centre.
Activities in Kingaroy
There seem to be more activities available than people as I doubt I could find a squash court anywhere in my metropolis but in Kingaroy they have one.
Of course, they have a golf course (who doesn't) and a bowling green, ten pin bowling and a putt putt course. There are the 8 horse riding clubs, a local swimming pool and several swim clubs, a cricket club, a tennis club, athletics, basketball, badminton, dirt bike club, boxing, cards, croquet, cycling, 8 football clubs which include rugby league and junior league, shooting, soccer, netball and motorcross. As far as I can figure out this is not including the surrounding towns either and their various clubs.
However, if any of the above doesn't is not your cup of tea, there is a gliding club for something exciting, or for a different kind of physical there is yoga, several gyms, martial arts and 4 dance groups and dance skating. For the even more sedate partaker there is even a walking club and for the kids, guides and brownies and of course fishing for the self sufficient.
Should you need a holiday after all that, you could take the two and half drive to the Caboolture to go surfing and if needed be, onto Brisbane for more indepth shopping.
Kingaroy has several mines, their main one is the coal mine which supplies most of Queensland but it also has a gold mine and a sapphire mine. There is talk amongst the locals that a wind farm is likely next year to generate more electricity. I have also heard a rumour that another mine has been bought out and is buying up extra land around but as yet have not start production of any kind. Should that happen then there certainly will be a boost to the population numbers of Kingaroy and its surrounding towns. It also has quite a large meat works which can employ seasonal staff but I believe quite a few are permanent.
Each year an influx of teachers arrive in Kingaroy for their term in the country teaching arena and having spoken with one real estate agent, they rented out 21 properties in two weeks in September for 12 months and new properties are a high priority. Buy now and you will be ready for the new influx next year.
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